Logbook of Japiejoo
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Logs in this logbook: 4044
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Found it 02-03-2025Virtual Cache Portal to the future: Gerard Philips (GCAJJA8) Available
Voor een zakelijk bezoekje was ik in de buurt. In het lekkere zonnetje hier een rondje gelopen en de mooie cache snel gevonden.

(Visit log)
Found it 02-03-2025Traditional Cache Station Eindhoven Strijp-S (GC7X0WM) Available
Voor een zakelijk bezoekje was ik in de buurt. In het lekkere zonnetje hier een rondje gelopen en de mooie cache snel gevonden.

(Visit log)
Found it 01-11-2025Lab Cache Las Vegas Trivia: Gambling! (LAB172) Available
Quick one while waiting on our flight
(Visit log)
Found it 01-11-2025Lab Cache Las Vegas Trivia: Way back in time. (LAB171) Available
Quick one while waiting on our flight
(Visit log)
Found it 01-11-2025Lab Cache Las Vegas Trivia: Its a desert out there! (LAB170) Available
Quick one while waiting on our flight
(Visit log)
Found it 01-11-2025Lab Cache Las Vegas Trivia: Record holders (LAB169) Available
Quick one while waiting on our flight
(Visit log)
Found it 01-11-2025Lab Cache Las Vegas Trivia: Missing floors (LAB168) Available
Quick one while waiting on our flight
(Visit log)
Found it 01-11-2025Lab Cache Welcome to Vegas!: Las Vegas Strip (LAB167) Available
Quick one while waiting on my flight
(Visit log)
Found it 01-11-2025Lab Cache Welcome to Vegas!: The foundations (LAB166) Available
Quick one while waiting on my flight
(Visit log)
Found it 01-11-2025Lab Cache Welcome to Vegas!: Twinkle Twinkle (LAB165) Available
Quick one while waiting on my flight
(Visit log)
Found it 01-11-2025Lab Cache Welcome to Vegas!: The largest (LAB164) Available
Quick one while waiting on my flight
(Visit log)
Found it 01-11-2025Lab Cache Welcome to Vegas!: Tallest Structure in LV (LAB163) Available
Quick one while waiting on my flight
(Visit log)
Found it 01-10-2025Virtual Cache Toga Party (GCB0EB) Available
On a business trip with Linnie1603 visiting the CES. After visiting the amazing Caesars Palace we past this location and took a quick look up the stairs.

(Visit log)
Found it 01-08-2025Virtual Cache LAKE-VEGAS (GC4E95) Available
On a business trip with Linnie1603 visiting the CES. Enjoyed the show several times during this week, especially loved it with the light show in the evening.

(Visit log)
Found it 01-08-2025Virtual Cache Eiffel Tower (GC9D67) Available
On a business trip with Linnie1603 visiting the CES. While strolling down the strip we felt a little closer to home here .

(Visit log)
Found it 01-07-2025Lab Cache Sphere at The Venetian Resort: Opening (LAB162) Available
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Found it 01-07-2025Lab Cache Sphere at The Venetian Resort: Features (LAB161) Available
(Visit log)
Found it 01-07-2025Lab Cache Sphere at The Venetian Resort: Sphere (LAB160) Available
(Visit log)
Found it 01-07-2025Lab Cache Sphere at The Venetian Resort: Features (LAB159) Available
(Visit log)
Found it 01-07-2025Lab Cache Sphere at The Venetian Resort: Construction (LAB158) Available
(Visit log)
Found it 01-06-2025Earthcache Dante's View Basin and Range Topography (GC2V539)Favorite Available
Roadtrip day with Linnie1603 through Death Valley. What a great place with great views here at Dante's View! We had a special plan today for this place. So we arrived right before sunset and it did not disappoint. We even had some time for watching the amazing night sky! Had a very good time here.

(Visit log)
Found it 01-06-2025Earthcache Death Valley, The Badlands at Zabriskie Point (GC2PNMA) Available
Roadtrip day with Linnie1603 through Death Valley. What a beautiful view here at Zabriskie Point. We sat down for a while, just enjoying the nature around us. Great place!

(Visit log)
Found it 01-06-2025Earthcache Artists Pallet (GC2W5ZY) Available
Roadtrip day with Linnie1603 through Death Valley. On our way back from Badwater we took the Artist's Drive. Great winding road through the beautiful and colorful mountains.

(Visit log)
Found it 01-06-2025Virtual Cache Don't Drink the Water (GCH657) Available
Roadtrip day with Linnie1603 through Death Valley. One of the highlights at Death Valley, a very nice and surreal experience.

(Visit log)
Found it 01-06-2025Virtual Cache How Low Can You Go? (GCECCB) Available
Roadtrip day with Linnie1603 through Death Valley. A quick stop at Furnace Creek to stretch our legs, find some caches and talking about the memories of this place of Linnie1603, who visited this place and cache in 2017.

(Visit log)
Found it 01-06-2025Virtual Cache Lego Dan's Death Valley RR cache (GCF6F8) Available
Roadtrip day with Linnie1603 through Death Valley. A quick stop at Furnace Creek to stretch our legs, find some caches and talking about the memories of this place of Linnie1603.

(Visit log)
Found it 01-06-2025Traditional Cache Welcome to Nevada (GCA2PNX) Available
Roadtrip day with Linnie1603. On our way to Death Valley a stop here before crossing the state line and entering the Valley. Really quiet out here.

(Visit log)
Found it 01-06-2025Lab Cache Rhyolite Ghost Town Adventure: Goldwell Open Air Museum (LAB157) Available
Nice adventure on our stroll through the ghost town
(Visit log)
Found it 01-06-2025Lab Cache Rhyolite Ghost Town Adventure: Tom Kellys Bottle House (LAB156) Available
Nice adventure on our stroll through the ghost town
(Visit log)
Found it 01-06-2025Lab Cache Rhyolite Ghost Town Adventure: Overbury Building Ruins (LAB155) Available
Nice adventure on our stroll through the ghost town
(Visit log)
Found it 01-06-2025Lab Cache Rhyolite Ghost Town Adventure: Las Vegas and Tonopah Depot (LAB154) Available
Nice adventure on our stroll through the ghost town
(Visit log)
Found it 01-06-2025Lab Cache Rhyolite Ghost Town Adventure: Cook Bank Building Ruins (LAB153) Available
Nice adventure on our stroll through the ghost town
(Visit log)
Found it 01-06-2025Traditional Cache Water has run dry. (GC8PMH5)Favorite Available
Roadtrip day with Linnie1603. On our way to Death Valley a stop at Rhyolite for sightseeing and geocaching. Very nice location for hiding a cache. I had to bend pretty deep to spot the little one.

(Visit log)
Found it 01-06-2025Traditional Cache Rex (GCAAVPY) Available
Roadtrip day with Linnie1603. On our way to Death Valley a short stop to refuel and spot aliens. The first worked out perfectly, the latter was a bit disappointing . To overcome this we went to the cache location where Linnie1603 spotted the cache pretty quickly and I was waiting for her to grab it. This was shortly followed by a good laugh and me reaching for the cache. An easy find for some of us .

(Visit log)
Found it 01-06-2025Traditional Cache Cache With A View #2 (GC1V196) Available
Found in the early morning pretty close to our car, ready for a nice day trip together with Linnie1603.
Nice view to start the day!

(Visit log)
Found it 01-05-2025Virtual Cache MM MM Good (GC4CE1) Available
MMMMM found this delicious one while walking down the strip with Linnie1603.

(Visit log)
Found it 01-05-2025Traditional Cache SHM #168 Arrowhead Trail (GC7Z0RN) Available
On a day trip with Linnie1603 to the Valley of Fire we enjoyed the beautiful park and searched for some caches in between. This was a quick find.

(Visit log)
Found it 01-05-2025Unknown Cache ST Delta (GC9MYZ8) Available
On a day trip with Linnie1603 to the Valley of Fire we enjoyed the beautiful park and searched for some caches in between. Solved this one at home, it was a quick find at the location.

(Visit log)
Found it 01-05-2025Unknown Cache VOF BB Spring 2022: Plants (GC9MZ07) Available
On a day trip with Linnie1603 to the Valley of Fire we enjoyed the beautiful park and searched for some caches in between. Solved this one at home when planning this trip. It was a quick find, although it seems to have fallen quite far from its tree .

(Visit log)
Found it 01-05-2025Unknown Cache VOF BB Spring 2022: Insects (GC9MZ01) Available
On a day trip with Linnie1603 to the Valley of Fire we enjoyed the beautiful park and searched for some caches in between. I solved this one at home when planning for our trip. At the location I couldn't locate the little one at first. I was very happy to have Linnie1603 with me, who happily came up with the cache a little later.

(Visit log)
Found it 01-05-2025Unknown Cache Jim's Trail (redux) (GC92HD4) Available
On a day trip with Linnie1603 to the Valley of Fire we enjoyed the beautiful park and searched for some caches in between. This was a quick find, great views up here!

(Visit log)
Found it 01-05-2025Traditional Cache SHM #150 - Nevada's First (GCAN602) Available
On a day trip with Linnie1603 to the Valley of Fire we enjoyed the beautiful park and searched for some caches in between. This was a quick find, despite of the great matching colour.

(Visit log)
Found it 01-05-2025Traditional Cache Road to Buffington Pocket (GCN7TF)Favorite Available
On our day trip to the Valley of Fire we stopped to find some caches here. While looking on the map I looked to Linnie1603 whether it was possible. Seemed to be at a random place in the middle of nowhere. We quickly decided to just go for it and it did not disappoint. Really like this one, such a hide is absolutely not possible at home in the Netherlands .

(Visit log)
Found it 01-05-2025Unknown Cache Nevada State 02 (GCA79FP) Available
On our day trip to the Valley of Fire we stopped to find some caches here. Found quickly together with Linnie1603, who wrote her name for the 600th time in a geocache!

(Visit log)
Found it 01-05-2025Unknown Cache Nevada State 01 (GCA77GM) Available
On our day trip to the Valley of Fire we stopped to find some caches here. This turned out to be #4000 for me. So a special memory for me at this location. Found together with Linnie1603.

(Visit log)
Found it 01-05-2025Unknown Cache Mystery/Puzzle : Challenge of the Century (GC1QABC) Available
I spotted this Challenge cache when planning the Vegas trip. The 5/5 got my attention and I qualified by far (#665 at this moment). But I had to push Linnie1603 to find some more to go and find this cache together. She needed about 15 Mysteries to qualify. Some days later I received a text with #110 Mysteries highlighted and a big smile .
At the beginning of our small road trip we visited the location and quickly found the cache.

(Visit log)
Found it 01-05-2025Traditional Cache Olive Two (GCAV0A5) Available
After shopping for a small road trip with Linnie1603 this one was too close to skip. After reading the hint I said to Linnie1603, it will probably be above your head, but I doubt it will be above mine. And indeed, eye level it was .

(Visit log)
Found it 01-05-2025Traditional Cache Bread Is Good (GCANDBE) Available
After shopping for a small roadtrip with Linnie1603 this one was too close to skip. A quick find!

(Visit log)
Found it 01-05-2025Traditional Cache Sign of Las Vegas (GC3178Z)Favorite Available
When in Vegas you have to visit THE SIGN! On an early morning (#jetlag) stroll we went to this place. Great planning, no tourists around. Ok, just me and Linnie1603 . After scanning the area one place seemed to be perfect for a cache and indeed it was.

(Visit log)
Found it 01-05-2025Virtual Cache Welcome to Las Vegas (GC729A)Favorite Available
When in Vegas you have to visit THE SIGN! On an early morning (#jetlag) stroll we went to this place. Great planning, no tourists around. Ok, just me and Linnie1603 .

(Visit log)
Found it 01-05-2025Unknown Cache 12 Aces = 1 World Championship Bonus (GCA2JX1) Available
While on a business trip in Las Vegas you cannot ignore geocaches . Visited this cache on an early morning (#jetlag) stroll together with Linnie1603. I already solved the questions at home, and we also did the Lab adventure, so double check! Turned out to be a quick find.

(Visit log)
Found it 01-05-2025Traditional Cache Where are you From? (GC5FQ24) Available
While on a business trip in Las Vegas you cannot ignore geocaches . Visited this cache an early morning (#jetlag) stroll together with Linnie1603.
Greetings from Maasbracht, Limburg, The Netherlands.

(Visit log)
Found it 01-05-2025Lab Cache 12 Aces = 1 World Championship: On Deck (LAB152) Available
Quick finds on an early morning stroll
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Found it 01-05-2025Lab Cache 12 Aces = 1 World Championship: The Staff (LAB151) Available
Quick finds on an early morning stroll
(Visit log)
Found it 01-05-2025Lab Cache 12 Aces = 1 World Championship: Five of a Kind (LAB150) Available
Quick finds on an early morning stroll
(Visit log)
Found it 01-05-2025Lab Cache 12 Aces = 1 World Championship: The Ace up the Sleeve (LAB149) Available
Quick finds on an early morning stroll
(Visit log)
Found it 01-05-2025Lab Cache 12 Aces = 1 World Championship: Four Aces (LAB148) Available
Quick finds on an early morning stroll
(Visit log)
Found it 01-05-2025Virtual Cache Sphinx in Las Vegas (GCAJHYC) Available
While on a business trip in Las Vegas you cannot ignore geocaches . Visited the sphinx on an early morning (#jetlag) stroll together with Linnie1603.

(Visit log)
Found it 01-05-2025Virtual Cache IN THE BELLY OF THE BEAST (GC4E94) Available
While on a business trip in Las Vegas you cannot ignore geocaches . Found the Beast in the early (#jetlag) morning together with Linnie1603.

(Visit log)
Found it 01-04-2025Lab Cache Viva LAS(Vegas): Flag carrier airline of Germany (LAB147) Available
In line for customs, some time to spend!
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Found it 01-04-2025Lab Cache Viva LAS(Vegas): Flag carrier airline of the United Kingdom (LAB146) Available
In line for customs, some time to spend!
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Found it 01-04-2025Lab Cache Viva LAS(Vegas): Flag carrier airline of Canada (LAB145) Available
In line for customs, some time to spend!
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Found it 01-04-2025Lab Cache Viva LAS(Vegas): Flag carrier airline of Scandinavia (LAB144) Available
In line for customs, some time to spend!
(Visit log)
Found it 01-04-2025Lab Cache Viva LAS(Vegas): Flag carrier airline of France (LAB143) Available
In line for customs, some time to spend!
(Visit log)
Found it 12-12-2024Lab Cache Struikelstenen in de stad Heerlen deel 1: Geerstraat (LAB142) Available
Leuk rondje door het centrum.
(Visit log)
Found it 12-12-2024Lab Cache Struikelstenen in de stad Heerlen deel 1: Honingmanstraat (LAB141) Available
Leuk rondje door het centrum.
(Visit log)
Found it 12-12-2024Lab Cache Struikelstenen in de stad Heerlen deel 1: 2)Dautsenbergstraat 1/2 (LAB140) Available
Leuk rondje door het centrum.
(Visit log)
Found it 12-12-2024Lab Cache Struikelstenen in de stad Heerlen deel 1: Dautzenbergstraat 2/2 (LAB139) Available
Leuk rondje door het centrum.
(Visit log)
Found it 12-12-2024Lab Cache Heerlen: De vijf pleintjes: Wilhelminaplein (LAB138) Available
Leuke pleintjes in Heerlen
(Visit log)
Found it 12-12-2024Lab Cache Heerlen: De vijf pleintjes: Betaplein (LAB137) Available
Leuke pleintjes in Heerlen
(Visit log)
Found it 12-12-2024Lab Cache Heerlen Street Art Hoofdstad van Nederland: Betaplein: Untitled- no name (LAB136) Available
Leuke wandeling, mooie plekjes om even bij stil te staan.
(Visit log)
Found it 12-12-2024Lab Cache Heerlen Street Art Hoofdstad van Nederland: Schemenhofje: De vreemdeling (LAB135) Available
Leuke wandeling, mooie plekjes om even bij stil te staan.
(Visit log)
Found it 12-12-2024Lab Cache Heerlen: De vijf pleintjes: Schelmenhofje (LAB134) Available
Leuke pleintjes in Heerlen
(Visit log)
Found it 12-12-2024Lab Cache Heerlen: De vijf pleintjes: Morenhoek (LAB133) Available
Leuke pleintjes in Heerlen
(Visit log)
Found it 12-12-2024Lab Cache Heerlen: De vijf pleintjes: Luciushof (LAB132) Available
Leuke pleintjes in Heerlen
(Visit log)
Found it 12-12-2024Lab Cache Heerlen Street Art Hoofdstad van Nederland: Morenhoek: Swinging Birds (LAB131) Available
Leuke wandeling, mooie plekjes om even bij stil te staan.
(Visit log)
Found it 12-12-2024Lab Cache Heerlen Street Art Hoofdstad van Nederland: Quatro Geleenstraat: Untitled- no name (LAB130) Available
Leuke wandeling, mooie plekjes om even bij stil te staan.
(Visit log)
Found it 12-12-2024Lab Cache Heerlen Street Art Hoofdstad van Nederland: Honingmanstraat: Koolpiet (LAB129) Available
Leuke wandeling, mooie plekjes om even bij stil te staan.
(Visit log)
Found it 12-12-2024Lab Cache Struikelstenen in de stad Heerlen deel 1: Geleenstraat (LAB128) Available
Leuk rondje door het centrum.
(Visit log)
Found it 12-10-2024Traditional Cache Signal in Schimmert (GC77B9R)Favorite Available
Aangezien ik iets te vroeg was voor een afspraak in Schimmert hier even gestopt. Het duurde even voordat ik door had wat ik met mijn magneet precies moest doen, maar toen dat eenmaal geregeld was ging de cache snel open. Prachtig gemaakt! Zo hoop je ze vaker tegen te komen!

(Visit log)
Found it 12-03-2024Lab Cache Markante plekken Eiland in de Maas: Protestants kerkje (LAB127) Available
Een mooi rondje door het oude centrum van Stevensweert.
(Visit log)
Found it 12-03-2024Traditional Cache Minibieb Eiland in de Maas (GCB001C) Available
Vanmorgen een bezoekje gebracht aan Stevensweert en deze minibieb. Ik had toevallig de beschrijving thuis al gelezen, dus even in een la gedoken. Met heel wat congres- en beursbezoeken de laatste tijd lagen daar aardig wat keycords in, die nu dus in de minibieb liggen.

(Visit log)
Found it 12-03-2024Lab Cache Markante plekken Eiland in de Maas: Bastion Holland De Slag om Stevensweert (LAB126) Available
Een mooi rondje door het oude centrum van Stevensweert.
(Visit log)
Found it 12-03-2024Lab Cache Markante plekken Eiland in de Maas: Graaf van Hompesch (LAB125) Available
Een mooi rondje door het oude centrum van Stevensweert.
(Visit log)
Found it 12-03-2024Lab Cache Markante plekken Eiland in de Maas: Gouvernement (LAB124) Available
Een mooi rondje door het oude centrum van Stevensweert.
(Visit log)
Found it 12-03-2024Lab Cache Markante plekken Eiland in de Maas: Voormalig arsenaal (LAB123) Available
Een mooi rondje door het oude centrum van Stevensweert.
(Visit log)
Found it 12-03-2024Lab Cache Kapellen, Klooster en Kerken in Stevensweert: Sint-Stephanuskerk. (LAB122) Available
Mooi rondje Stevensweert!
(Visit log)
Found it 12-03-2024Lab Cache Kapellen, Klooster en Kerken in Stevensweert: Hervormde kerk. (LAB121) Available
Mooi rondje Stevensweert!
(Visit log)
Found it 12-03-2024Lab Cache Kapellen, Klooster en Kerken in Stevensweert: Het klooster oftewel T Aod Kloaster. (LAB120) Available
Mooi rondje Stevensweert!
(Visit log)
Found it 12-03-2024Lab Cache Kapellen, Klooster en Kerken in Stevensweert: Sint Rochuskapel. (LAB119) Available
Mooi rondje Stevensweert!
(Visit log)
Found it 12-03-2024Lab Cache Kapellen, Klooster en Kerken in Stevensweert: De Maria kapel op de Brandt. (LAB118) Available
Mooi rondje Stevensweert!
(Visit log)
Found it 11-28-2024Traditional Cache Bij de molen reloaded (GCB034C) Available
Hier was ik al een keer geweest. Toch moest ik even goed nadenken, maar de kleine kwam gelukkig snel tevoorschijn. Deze mooie molen verdient zeker een geocache!

(Visit log)
Found it 11-28-2024Lab Cache Ommetje Berkelaar met een knipoog naar Maasbracht: Kapel bij Maasbracht (LAB117) Available
In het kader van, zo kom je nog eens ergens, een leuke route met voor mij nieuwe plekken.
(Visit log)
Found it 11-28-2024Lab Cache Ommetje Berkelaar met een knipoog naar Maasbracht: weg of veldkruis (LAB116) Available
In het kader van, zo kom je nog eens ergens, een leuke route met voor mij nieuwe plekken.
(Visit log)
Found it 11-28-2024Lab Cache Ommetje Berkelaar met een knipoog naar Maasbracht: Stal Berkelaar (LAB115) Available
In het kader van, zo kom je nog eens ergens, een leuke route met voor mij nieuwe plekken.
(Visit log)
Found it 11-28-2024Lab Cache Ommetje Berkelaar met een knipoog naar Maasbracht: Zwaantjeshof (LAB114) Available
In het kader van, zo kom je nog eens ergens, een leuke route met voor mij nieuwe plekken.
(Visit log)
Found it 11-28-2024Lab Cache Ommetje Berkelaar met een knipoog naar Maasbracht: Mariakapel (LAB113) Available
In het kader van, zo kom je nog eens ergens, een leuke route met voor mij nieuwe plekken.
(Visit log)
Found it 11-25-2024Lab Cache Rijksmonumenten in Limbricht: Devotiekruis (LAB112) Available
In twee keer gedaan, mooi stukje lokale geschiedenis.
(Visit log)
Found it 11-25-2024Lab Cache Rijksmonumenten in Limbricht: Boerderij Beekstraat (LAB111) Available
In twee keer gedaan, mooi stukje lokale geschiedenis.
(Visit log)
Found it 11-25-2024Lab Cache Rijksmonumenten in Limbricht: Salviuskerkje (LAB110) Available
In twee keer gedaan, mooi stukje lokale geschiedenis.
(Visit log)
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Number of logs per page: 10, 20, 50, 100, 250, 500, All

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