Found geocaches!
Geocaches in the list: 11

Filters: 'Placed on day 28 of a month' and 'Placed in June'

3809AvailableTraditional CacheWelkom in Doetinchem ll - Hamburgerpoort (GC2Z3M9)Netherlands06-06-202313:5694.76 km
3575AvailableTraditional Cache#15 Fiets tocht langs Crash sites Leudal (GC56DEW)Netherlands07-26-202011:447.34 km
3465AvailableEarthcacheParaboolduinen/Parabeldunen in Het Marissen (GC7PVMY)Netherlands05-21-202016:085.40 km
3414AvailableTraditional Cache#04 Fiets tocht langs Crash sites Leudal (GC56DEP)Netherlands04-13-202015:2211.45 km
3091AvailableMulti-cacheDer Trierer Dom / Trier Cathedral (GC3D6CP)Germany04-28-201713:31139.10 km
1111ArchivedTraditional CacheDer Specht vom Lennhhof (an A1) (GC2AYH3)Germany10-19-201215:40123.64 km
1090AvailableTraditional CacheWood he? (GC1DMTM)United States09-05-201213:338968.85 km
1086ArchivedTraditional CacheCool Breeze (GC1DMVG)United States09-05-201213:018967.70 km
477ArchivedTraditional Cachetussen goed en verkeerd (GC2Z3MQ)Netherlands11-19-201111:165.87 km
476ArchivedTraditional Cachetussen los en vast (GC2Z3P7)Netherlands11-19-201110:544.86 km
368ArchivedUnknown CacheOut of Bounds (GC2Z3K0)Netherlands07-06-201117:035.24 km
*The locations on this map are an approximation of the real locations

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