Found geocaches!
Geocaches in the list: 13

Filters: 'Placed on day 14 of a month' and 'Placed in March'

3791AvailableTraditional CacheSax in the City (GC3W4N9)United Kingdom11-04-202215:04612.45 km
3726AvailableTraditional CacheGeen Smurfen meer langs het Pieterpad (GC9PWRE)Netherlands05-07-202216:063.93 km
3302ArchivedTraditional CacheParc Jean Baptiste Lebas (GC2Q881)France10-20-201816:21203.55 km
3103ArchivedUnknown CacheHier brandt de lamp. Of toch niet? (GC5PCWP)Belgium05-13-201717:4521.01 km
3014ArchivedUnknown CacheBekender kan bijna niet (GC47M8G)Netherlands07-30-201614:20175.53 km
2623ArchivedTraditional CacheAvignon: Histoire de la Cite "2" (GC5PCE3)France07-24-201512:49779.17 km
2198ArchivedEvent CachePI event Landgraaf (GC5NGZT)Netherlands03-14-201521:268.25 km
2192ArchivedEvent CacheEven snel PI (GC5NC8N)Netherlands03-14-201509:268.58 km
2191ArchivedEvent CacheBij de ''PI''nken zijn!? (GC5NGGB)Netherlands03-14-201503:141.37 km
2055AvailableTraditional CacheHome of the frog (GC24YQ4)Netherlands10-21-201412:5537.86 km
1387AvailableTraditional CacheEt Schluusmanskrutske (GC47N73)Netherlands06-01-201311:378.81 km
1345AvailableMulti-cacheDas "blaue" Wunder... (GC35KGZ)Germany05-11-201314:1761.85 km
349ArchivedTraditional CacheMissie huis (GC2Q8MA)Netherlands06-17-201110:4914.47 km
*The locations on this map are an approximation of the real locations

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