Found geocaches!
Geocaches in the list: 9

Filters: 'Placed on day 14 of a month' and 'Placed in January'

3817ArchivedTraditional CacheHenks Legacy 1 (GCA3WZ1)Netherlands06-29-202317:264.69 km
3417ArchivedTraditional CacheGraaf van Horne 4: Geld slaan (GC7H5EJ)Netherlands04-18-202013:0618.25 km
3412ArchivedTraditional CacheGraaf van Horne 3: Kasteel Nijenborgh (GC7H5DK)Netherlands04-10-202011:1818.21 km
3384AvailableTraditional CacheMoed, toewijding en uiterste liefde 2 (GC2WQJW)Netherlands12-20-201917:291.52 km
3355AvailableTraditional CacheRUINAS DEL CAMPO: CERRO CEBRIAN (GC6ZC9F)Spain08-02-201910:451775.31 km
1664AvailableTraditional CacheNaechster Halt: Holle Hauptbahnhof (GC44D64)Belgium01-04-201414:1822.22 km
1318AvailableWherigo CachesWhere I Climb? (GC3AE9E)Germany05-03-201311:4525.83 km
1093ArchivedTraditional CacheSocial Science Nano (GC1KRBX)United States09-05-201218:218963.91 km
538ArchivedMulti-cacheKedeng kedeng (GC3AVPM)Netherlands01-28-201220:492.68 km
*The locations on this map are an approximation of the real locations

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