Found geocaches!
Geocaches in the list: 8

Filters: 'Found on day 11 of a month' and 'Found in June'

337ArchivedTraditional CacheHauser der Helfer Altes Feuerwehrhaus Gangelt (GC1TJEA)Germany06-11-201118:0610.01 km
336ArchivedTraditional CacheHauser der Helfer - Neues Feuerwehrhaus Gangelt (GC2V9C6)Germany06-11-201117:529.27 km
335ArchivedTraditional Cacheklim boom uit mijn jeugd tijd (GC2KF37)Netherlands06-11-201117:347.04 km
334ArchivedTraditional Cacheschutterij st. eligius - juliana sinds 1602 (GC2EJNJ)Netherlands06-11-201117:237.31 km
333ArchivedUnknown CacheKraak de 2D code Cache (GC2NVCB)Netherlands06-11-201117:136.30 km
332ArchivedTraditional CacheDe Kattekoelen (GC2DCTX)Netherlands06-11-201117:006.58 km
331AvailableMulti-cacheEr was eens een zwembad! (GCNKMZ)Netherlands06-11-201114:333.86 km
330ArchivedMulti-cacheWECA 01: Tussen Snelwegen (GC1CB3Z)Netherlands06-11-201113:293.05 km
*The locations on this map are an approximation of the real locations

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