Logbook of Japiejoo
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Logs in this logbook: 4044
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Found it 09-23-2010Unknown Cache De CACHE VAN 'T STEINERBOSJ (GC13TFR)Photos Archived
Met dit mooie weer kon ik het niet laten om, in het beetje vrije tijd vandaag, even te gaan cachen. De vragen waren al opgezocht en beantwoord. Het veldwerk was een peuleschil en zo kwam de cache snel boven water.

(Visit log)
Found it 09-15-2010Traditional Cache Snoesvogel (GC2CCWT)Favorite Archived
Na het werk naar de Snoesvogel gefietst, dat viel nog niet mee met die wind, maar dat merkte ik pas op de terugweg. Op de plek aangekomen was de vogel snel gespot, maar het duurde nog even voordat hij tevoorschijn kwam. Ik heb er maar 1 woord voor: Briljant!

(Visit log)
Found it 09-11-2010Unknown Cache De negende gevangene (GC16G85) Archived
Na een tijdje geleden de puzzel te hebben gemaakt, vandaag op pad naar de 9de gevangene. De erg leuke en onverwachte gevangene werd snel gevonden, dus op naar de cache. Dat duurde iets langer, maar toen we uiteindelijk de hint zagen was het snel gebeurd.

(Visit log)
Found it 09-11-2010Traditional Cache Ik zal u zeer hoog vereren (GC1FNG7) Archived
Vandaag even op een korte cachetour in centrum Geleen. Deze snel gevonden. Erg leuke verstop manier!

(Visit log)
Found it 08-20-2010Multi-cache Amelia Sightseeing (GC1081V)Photos Available
During our stay with two friends in Umbrie we used this cache to get a tour through the beautiful town of Amelia. The new box was easily found.


IN: -
(Visit log)
Found it 08-19-2010Traditional Cache Gaiella (GC24KD4)Favorite Photos Archived
We made a little detour to find this cache. We where very intrigued by the story and really would like to see the tombs ourselfs. Thanks for showing us this location.

(Visit log)
Found it 08-19-2010Traditional Cache Tombs Raider (GCR0Z6)Photos Archived
We made a little detour to find this cache. We where very intrigued by the story and really would like to see the tombs ourselfs. Thanks for showing us this location.

(Visit log)
Found it 08-19-2010Traditional Cache il ponte e il fantasma (GCR554)Photos Available
On our roadtrip from Tuscany to Umbrie this cache was easily found. Nice bridge.

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Found it 08-19-2010Traditional Cache The sword in the stone - La spada nella roccia (GCGN8Z)Photos Archived
I showed my girlfriend this cache before we went on our holiday to Tuscany. She was immediately convinced we had to find this one, since she is a history teacher. Thanks for showing us this nice location and story.


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Found it 08-19-2010Traditional Cache Le Roste (GC1C10R)Photos Available
Found this cache during our roadtrip from Tuscany to Umbrie. Very nice rocks!

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Found it 08-18-2010Traditional Cache Rimigliano (GCGWH5) Archived
Found this cache during a beach day in Toscany. First caching, then taking a dive into the sea!

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Found it 08-17-2010Traditional Cache TVTB The Sweet Cache (GC27NVT) Archived
Found this cache easily with lot's of people watching us from above. But the cache was logged unseen.

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Found it 08-17-2010Traditional Cache MOZART E L' AQUILA NERA (GC1TKCY) Archived
During our visit to Florence this cache suddenly popped up in my gps while we passed it. We read the description and learned a complete new story that was not in our Lonely Planet guide . The cache was easily found.

(Visit log)
Found it 08-17-2010Traditional Cache PIAZZA DEMIDOFF (GC29XEG) Archived
Found this cache easily and fast during our one day visit to Florence.

(Visit log)
Found it 08-17-2010Traditional Cache The Mysterious Face (GCKWFB) Archived

Found this cache easily before our visit to Florence.

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Found it 08-16-2010Traditional Cache LA QUIETE TRA LE VIGNE (GC1P28K)Photos Available
Found this cache easily after Il Torre and the Bonus. Nice surroundings.

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Found it 08-16-2010Unknown Cache La Torre (Bonus) (GC1N1ZE) Archived
Found the bonus cache easily after visiting Il torre!

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Found it 08-16-2010Traditional Cache La Torre (GC1C1Y7)Photos Archived
This nice cache was easily found. We never would have taken this road without geocaching .

(Visit log)
Found it 08-15-2010Traditional Cache NAPOLEON'S SECRETS #3: AQUA DI VITA (GC1ERMP)Photos Available
Our third and last find on Elba. The water inspired us to have a dive into the sea afterwards.

Groeten uit Nederland

(Visit log)
Found it 08-15-2010Traditional Cache NAPOLEONS SECRETS #2: ESTATE (GC1EQN4)Photos Available
This was the second find on Elba. Unfortunately the estate was just closing as we arrived.

Groeten uit Nederland

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